Content Management System (LCMS) - SiteBuilder


eTrainCenter allows small to large businesses to create their own online course content, which can be created
using the LCMS SiteBuilder authoring tools. These authoring tools allow you to create modules and pages.
Plus, you can insert quizzes at any point and provide a final exam at the end of the course. The eTrainCenter SiteBuilder tools
allow you to create and edit eLearning content from a number of predefined page formats.

No programming experience is needed to utilize this user-friendly LCMS tool. eTrainCenter’s dynamic and scalable LCMS
Solutions include the following:


  • Authoring tools
  • Editing eLearning content
  • Online content delivery
  • Content authoring
  • Dynamic delivery interface
  • Learner administrator tools
  • Knowledge management
  • Manage content for the learner

Available Page Content Types


COntent Type details
Text and/or Image Create a page with rich text format using our eTraincenter LCMS Sitebuilder LCMS
SiteBuilder. Also upload images or choose images from our Image Library to further
enhance the online learning experience of the student.
Adobe® Acrobat® File Easily upload one or multiple PDF files.
Microsoft® PowerPoint® Microsoft PowerPoint presentations can also be uploaded. We currently support .pps
files however we suggest converting these to SCORM.
Streaming Video Specific URLs for streaming video can be entered. Supported streaming video
players include:
  • MP3
  • Apple® QuickTime®
  • Real Player
  • Microsoft® Windows® Media Player
  • Vimio®
  • YouTube®

More Feature


Feature details
We're SCORM-Certified Whether you're moving from another LMS, you've purchased off-the-shelf SCORM
content, or you've authored it yourself using Articulate®, Adobe Captivate® or any
of the other SCORM-compliant authoring tools, your SCORM 1.2 content will work
perfectly in eTrainCenter.
Create Certificates Upload a certificate template for each of your courses. When a student completes
the course, they can access and download a customized certificate in PDF format.
Create Quizzes and Exams Create simple assessments or quizzes containing multiple choice, keywords, or
text/essay questions to measure each learner’s comprehension.
Use Question Pools and randomization to mix up the assessments and reduce the
chances of cheating.
Create Surveys to Gain Feedback Create surveys using a range of different question types to gain feedback on your
courses. Surveys can be sent out to all members of a course or anonymously to
individuals or groups via email.
Attach Any Reference File Almost any type of file can be attached to a course, e.g., PDF, MP3, WinZip®, Word®,
Excel®, PowerPoint®, as well as pictures, diagrams, etc.
Upload all of your training documents and manuals so they can be easily accessed
by everyone in your organization.

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