eTrainCenter Leaderboards

(Launched July 2020)

How do we get high performers to keep making their best even better? Leaderboards make it easy to celebrate the learning leaders in your organization. This helps foster a healthy sense of competition encouraging more and better quality learning from everyone.    Our Leaderboards incentivize users to:

(1) do better on courses and exams and
(2) take the learning in a timely manner

LMS Leaderboards improve learning outcomes by inspiring learners to do better: getting a better score or improved time.   Leaderboards tap into our competitive spirit and act as a powerful engagement tool, driving us to play on!

No previous gamification experience is needed to enable and configure our user-friendly Leaderboards.


Here are some of the benefits to Leaderboards:

  • Fueling Friendly Competition
  • Encouraging Employees To Reach Full Potential
  • Providing Staffers With Motivation
  • Validates Changes In Employees’ Behavior
  • Facilitates Positive Peer Pressure
  • Allows Employees To See How Far They’ve Come
  • Different Leaderboard views: All Users, Departments or Groups
Leaderboard Edit

Leaderboard Management

Administrators setup Leaderboards by assigning higher points if course is taken within a period of time, for example one month and then a lower point if taken outside of that timeline.   For exams, users will earn higher percentage of points if the exam is taken within a period of time and lower points if taken outside of that timeline.
Student Leaderboard

Student Leaderboard

Leaderboards also allow account admins to track the learning activity of individuals and groups in par

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