About Us


Niall Rochford eTrainCenter’s roots date back to 2000 when Learning Management Systems (LMS) were first emerging. The company’s founder, Niall Rochford, spent two years designing on-premise, software solutions to help companies move their training curriculums online. Their requirements varied from uploading videos and creating exams, to selling curriculums to a broader audience that only could only be reached online. He evangelized to the industry that an economical, high-performance platform was essential. His vision and perseverance formed the foundation of what eTrainCenter is today.

The Atlanta-base software company grew up with the LMS industry and has expanded its offering over the years. eTrainCenter was initially offered as an on-premise solution. Shortly after, the company adopted a SaaS model and now, eTrainCenter is hosted on a highly reliable, scalable, cloud platform.
Early customers quickly learned the benefits of using an LMS to deliver and manage instructional content, handle registrations and course administration, and assess user work. Many customers in regulated industries simply used the system to administer compliance training and reporting.

Still, many companies struggle with knowing where to start on their training initiatives. eTrainCenter can help provide their solution.


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