Tools to connect with your students in real-time.


eTrainCenter enables synchronous distance learning with tools like real-time virtual classrooms with multi-way audio, video streams, integrated chat, online whiteboard, application sharing, file transfer, breakout rooms, and more.


Text Chat & Session Notes

Instant messaging / text chat is available for communication along with the audio. The session leaders can enable/disable the text messaging options.

Live Video Sessions

Enhance your live classes, team meetings and group discussions with live video conferencing even on lower bandwidths.

Whiteboard tools to draw naturally

Use markup and annotation tools on the whiteboards as well as over images and slides. Use pointers and checkers to focus your attendees' attention.


Easily upload on the fly

Share PowerPoint slides, documents, web pages, and even your desktop with remote students in real time. Share YouTube videos synchronously.

Breakout sessions and recordings

With the Live Breakout rooms you can split your class into smaller groups so that your students collaborate and practice individually.Record your live sessions and meetings for quality control or archiving.

Screen Sharing & Remote Control

Enhance your computer based training classes sharing your entire screen or just a single application. Give remote control to students and attendees.

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